Friday, October 17, 2014

Special Edition, Mandarin Version: 只是一场戏,简单的真心话


人人常说,戏如人生,人生如戏;你们懂得那是什么意思吗?如果问我,我想我因该多多少少可以理解一些吧。所谓人之出,性本善;人们一旦出身了本性是好的 (当然,小宝宝哪儿会做坏事呀??)但,渐渐的在成长时他们会遇到许多的人;好的也好坏的也好都是避免不了的。 他们会学习着许多许多的事情,尤其是对于父母的行为。 所以说,父母的教导是非常非常重要的。 每个人的出身背景当然也会不同,会是富贵的也会是贫穷的;也可能是属于中等的。 你们会想说,那是属于幸运与不幸运之间吗?如果我说,那其实和幸运不幸运无关,你们同意吗?我本人觉得,那些都是在好久好久以前(前世)我们所做过的事而造成的(我不是要说教,请放心)。但,这世上有“永远”的事吗?以下,和你们分享一个我曾经听过的故事
好久好久以前,有两位妇女同时生下了男丁。当时,有位会算命的师父在场,刚巧看到了一切。 于是, 他为两个小宝宝算了算他们的命运。 他对两位妇女说道: 

“A妇女, 你的儿子好呀;天生的好命呀;他这一生不用太努力工作也会很好命的。可以当个领队,天生的皇帝命呀!恭喜恭喜。。”。 A妇女听了,当然特别的高兴, 于是 B妇女听了之后也破不期待的问着师父, “师父师父,那我的儿子呢?”

师父叹了一小段的气说道:“B妇女, 你的儿子天生劳碌命呀,注定这辈子有许多忙不完的事需要他去做;不是不能出人头地,只是会比较难而已。他天生的命不是很好,请别太难过”。B妇女听了怎样不难过呀???但也只能忍着眼泪静静的离开。。。



读完了这段故事,你们有什么感想呢?你们认为,是师父的话说准了还是那两位妇女改变了她们自己儿子的命运呢?其实,我也不知道;但那两点都可以接受不是吗?可能师父当时真的算出了这样的一段命运,事实上他并没说错呀,一位真的不用努力就有钱拿了(只是可能不多而已,只是可能不好看而已,只是可能被人看不起而已)。另一位真的是劳碌命,整天忙得不可开交 (可是,是个大老板哦!)换个方式说,也可能是那两位妇女真的改变了她们自己儿子的命运。因为听了师父的话,就不努力了。本来儿子会有个很好的未来的, 却因为她没把儿子教好,害得儿子变成今天这个样子。也许,他儿子真的天生是好命的;不用太努力也会出人头地;但好可惜的是,那妇女忘了如果完全不努力就一定不会成功,就好像你要放风筝却不想拿着风筝线一样,那样的话,风筝能不飞走吗?








Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The FaceShop Smart Peeling Honey Black Sugar Scrub

Hi all, I'm here!!!! Here as i promised last time, i'm going to review one of the peeling scrub from THE FACESHOP today. The name of the peeling scrub is Honey Black Sugar. All of you sure will know or imagine what kind of the scrub that is just from its name. Yes, It's made from Honey and Black Sugar. As we know, Honey can make our skin smooth and black sugar usually is used to get away the dead skin cells. So, is it really a good peeling scrub? First of all, let's see about its ingredients before we go to the result and function of this product. 


There may be some ingredients which you know but i don't know. Honestly, there is a lot of ingredients which i don't know, i just bold and red the ingredients which i know. I think there may be some chemicals in this product, but i don't think those are risk to our skin as i always believe Korea product :). It just depends on our skin, suitable to what brand and what product. 

It has also a caution which warn us to discontinue use if signs of irritation or rash appear. Do not use on broken or abraded skin. Keep out of reach of Children. Be aware of scrub grains when using the product. This product claims that it will give you a warmth feeling and remove dead skin cells effectively. 

Actually The FaceShop Peeling Scrub (this line) comes with 3 different favor and function. Apple, Pearl, and Black Sugar. I Prefer Black Sugar as one of my concern problem is "Blackheads". It costs me around IDR 142,000 (if i don't remember wrong). I use it twice a week. When i use it, it really warms my skin!!! I never use a scrub which can give me such the feeling; but actually i don't really like the warm feeling =(. One of my friends has tried it also, and she told me she also didn't like the feel. Sometimes, She rubs this scrub to her skin too hard then her skin is sore. I suggest her to not rub too hard. Myself, never face that problem, i just rub it to my skin slowly and really feel the sugar. If we rub quite long (around 2-3 minutes), i think the scrub is melting until i can't feel the sugar =). My friend also told me that when she had a pimple and she used this, her pimple became easier to pop out, i don't know is really because of this product???

You can see the texture of the scrub from the picture above. the color of the peeling scrub is chocolate. Well, if Good-Better-Best is among the choice, the result after i use this product; i will score it Good. It clear my blackheads (but not all) and i feel so clean on my skin. I believe it really can remove dead skin cells also. But, I'm not sure to repurchase it as i don't really like the warm feeling. I also won't recommend it to people who often break out and has sensitive skin because i think it is too warm, i'm afraid of they can't stand of the feeling. But if you have blackhead and wish to have a smooth skin, you can give it a try. 

That's all about my review toward this product, thanks for reading my blog and i will try to give another review from other branded skin care next time, see you ;)

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

REVIEW : Pobling Pore Sonic Cleanser

Hi..!!! It has been too long for me haven't updated my blog due to too many activities. Started from last year i was too busy in preparing my wedding ceremony and the party, then followed by moving the place to be stayed (as the wedding party held in my husband's hometown while we didn't stay permanently there). Hfuft, but finally and fortunately all of that has been settled smoothly. 

Okay now, i want to introduce a clever product for you :). The product is Pobling Pore Sonic Cleanser. It is usually called as POBLING. Why i claim this as a clever product? Because it really helps us in the way of  cleansing  for your face and you don't need to worry about the bacterial  from your hand that causes pimples at all. I believe that just by seeing from its shape / form, it's not all the people will believe the effectiveness of this product, so do i. The shape of this product is really simple and only looks like an ordinary brush.

I remember that the first time i saw the cleanser product was in TANGS at Singapore. But the brand of the cleanser wasn't Pobling, i forget the name but it comes from SONIC also. Don't remember already what sonic. Just say it as Sonic bla bla bla. Not important actually :p

However, I don't know whether POBLING is available in Indonesia, Singapore or not, but you can buy it through online. POBLING is original made in Korea (so i think it will be available in Korea). It has a smooth brush and using 1 Pcs of batteray type AAA. when you use it, it will vibrate on your face. You can use any kind of your foam cleanser to match with POBLING. As i know, it comes from 2 different box's colour in packaging. If you don't see it clearly, you won't be able to differentiate them. Actually i don't know is there any different between those or maybe one of it is not original? But the fact you must know is they have a very very very different price. Let's see about those products first. 

This is the POBLING which original made in KOREA with 1 month guarantee
The packaging and the design of the product is quite simple. The size also isn't too big, make us easier to bring when we are travelling. 

This is the behind from the product's box
This product costs around IDR 350,000 and comes only with 1 colour. Then, the others POBLING which i said different comes with many colours with price only around IDR 150,000!!! it is a quite far different price, isn't it?

This is the cheaper POBLING
This colourful POBLING doesn't have any guarantee as the price is already so cheap. The seller told me it is original made in Korea, but there is a question from me; why the price is quite different? Sure, i didn't ask it to the seller who sells the cheaper one. I asked to the seller who sells the expensive one; and she only answer me : " I only sell the original one". Then? She didn't claim that the colourful POBLING wasn't original, but she only claimed that she sold the original one, so it made me quite confuse about the answer. 

More ever, do you notice the different between the colourful POBLING and the white POBLING? Yeah..!!! The box's colour is different as i said before. one is blue and one is a bit green. Those of that have the function in cleansing face, remove blackheads, whiteheads, deep cleansing into pore and more hygiene than our hand. One of my friends who uses the cheaper one told me that her blackhead couldn't be remove and because it was wet, so it would smell badly (I think she keeps it in the toilet where is always has warm temperature). But it really made her skin quite clean. She said the result was different from just use hand in cleansing. But the cons were smell badly and couldn't remove blackhead and whitehead. 

My cousin, who also uses the cheaper one only claimed to me that the product was not effective as it promised. she told me she gotta buy the expensive one after the cheaper one was broken. BUT, another friend who use the expensive one told me that she feels so clean after the cleansing ( note that she doesn't use batteray for the product!!!) and her whiteheads was disappear!!!! So, i decide to try the expensive one. For me, the important is original and nice to be used. It's not worthy if you buy the fake one with cheaper price but the function is not effective as the original one. I don't mean that the colourful POBLING is fake, but from the review from my friends, i take the conclusion that it's better for me to but the expensive one :). 

After give it a try, i really feel my skin so clean and it's quite effective in removing my blackhead and whitehead. Most of blackhead and whitehead has been removed BUT not at all. You can see my nose from the picture below, this is after i use POBLING Pore Sonic Cleanser : 

My Nose after cleansing with POBLING

My main problems from my skin are dark spot and blackheads. So, don't talk about dark spot because those are very hard to be removed, just talk about blackhead and i am quite satisfied with this POBLING. I keep it in my room whenever after used, and it gets dry quickly, not smell badly at all. So far, i am comfortable using it and i will recommend it to my other friends.  Now, i don't need to use nose strip anymore as even i use it after POBLING, it can't remove the rest of my blackheads (if yes, it's only a bit). Those blackheads which can't be removed by POBLING is so small and smooth; so that's not a really big problem for me. 

If you just want to try about the effectiveness of this product, i recommend you can just buy the cheaper one like my friends, feel first about the clean of your face and later you can try the expensive one. Anyway, if you are like me, you can directly purchase the expensive one, so don't waste time and money to try or experiment first :p. Add, in my opinion; good foam cleanser is an also important point. However the good of this product, if you just match with cheap foam cleanser, i think the product won't work so well. 

I think that's all about my review of POBLING, next i will review the Facial Peeling Scrub Black Sugar from The Face Shop, just wait it ;). Thanks for reading and have a nice day :)